Sue from Circle of Life East Anglia is an Independent Celebrant and a former Registrar. Having become frustrated at the lack of ‘personal touch’ offered by the registration service, she created Circle of Life. As a Celebrant, Sue is able to offer couples a completely personal bespoke ceremony where couples are in control of what they say and do and that’s the beauty of using a celebrant! You are not restricted to the local church, register office or licensed venues.
Because the legal aspects of the marriage are taken care of separately at the Registrars, this means your ceremony can be anywhere you wish – indoors, outdoors, camping/leisure breaks, vintage settings – the list is endless.
Whilst at the moment, the legal completion is separate to the ceremony (although that may be hopefully changing through parliament), Sue suggests couples think of their birthdays. do you think of the event or when your birthday was registered? The only boundaries are your imagination!
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